"stay out of my lawn or I'll knock your block off." the man said. 那人说:“不要走进我的草坪,否则会揍你的”。
I want her to stay in China, he says, taking a little block of the honey toast that has suddenly appeared on the crowded lazy Susan. 对,我不希望她离开中国。他一边说,一边拿起突然出现到满满当当的餐桌转盘上的一小块蜂蜜吐司。
On one side of the debate stand Internet companies and activists who want the web to "stay free" and regard attempts by broadband providers to block or degrade services or provide better access to others for a fee as anathema. 争论的一方是互联网公司和激进分子,他们想让互联网“保持免费”,憎恨宽带供应商封锁服务或降低服务等级或提供更好的接入但要收费的做法。
There have been many instances in business where begging someone to stay becomes, a year or two later, a clamour for their head on the block. 乞求某人留下来,一两年后又吵着要他离开,这在商界有很多例子。
The third one is on the local forced performance of stay cable anchor block, studied from three ways as girder anchorage, cable tower anchorage as well as anti-sliding. 第三部分,斜拉索锚固块的局部分析,主要从主梁锚固,索塔锚固以及抗滑移三个方面进行分析研究。